Module-level declarations


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struct auth_id


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function destroy_asset(from: account, asset: asset, amount: integer): payment_history_entry
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function do_auth(auth_id: auth_id, required_flags: list<text>): account
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function ensure_locked_account(reason: text, account: account): account
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function ensure_special_account(kind: text, refid: byte_array, params: gtv): account
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function find_locked_account(reason: text, account: account): account?
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function find_special_account(kind: text, refid: byte_array, params: gtv): account?
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function issue_asset(to: account, asset: asset, amount: integer): payment_history_entry
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function LOCKED(reason: text): text
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function special_account_id(kind: text, refid: byte_array, params: gtv): byte_array
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function transfer_asset(from: account, to: account, asset: asset, amount: integer)
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function transfer_asset_auto(from: account, to: account, asset: asset, amount: integer)